ARMweb feature request

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ARMweb feature request

Post by YahooArchive »

The ability to write to the flah memory using the flah command or a new command
that allows to write files to the FTP drive.

The FTP drive would be a really cool addition as it would allow the ability to
do data logging and or settings files that could be FTP'd or placed by the
devices own web pages.

Posts: 1462
Joined: Fri Oct 19, 2012 5:11 am

Re: ARMweb feature request

Post by YahooArchive »

1. When security is enabled, ability with a password to start / stop program so
you can upload via ftp revised web files.

2. Same as above but also with password make changes to the device settings over

3. Ability to upload via web thru the BasicTools interface a program the same
way the serial link would work.

4. If easier all of the items above could be restricted to the BasicTools
interface software. It would allow connect over TCP/Ip w/ Password and you could
start/stop, view terminal, and upload revised basic code.

Posts: 1462
Joined: Fri Oct 19, 2012 5:11 am

Re: ARMweb feature request

Post by YahooArchive »

> 1. When security is enabled, ability with a password to start / stop program
so you can upload via ftp revised web files.
> 2. Same as above but also with password make changes to the device settings
over web.

Your BASIC program could do this. It would accept some command and then
username/keyword and password and at that point it would END. Which would allow
remote reload and restart.

> 3. Ability to upload via web thru the BasicTools interface a program the same
way the serial link would work.
> 4. If easier all of the items above could be restricted to the BasicTools
interface software. It would allow connect over TCP/Ip w/ Password and you could
start/stop, view terminal, and upload revised basic code.

BASICtools via TCPIP could be done, but its not high on our priority list of
things to do. I don't see a compelling application for it. It could be
accomplished with a remote PC running a variety of PCanywhere type programs.
We've actually done this to remotely debug some network issues at an ISP with a
HEAVILY loaded network. We packed up and older Win2000 machine and USB card and
gave it remote access and shipped it to the customer. But this seems to be more
of a once in a while requirement.

Posts: 1462
Joined: Fri Oct 19, 2012 5:11 am

Re: ARMweb feature request

Post by YahooArchive »

Can you look at adding a new function by adding autorun as a seperate on/off
from Security.

I am working on a prodject that I would like to make auto run but still need to
have access for updates and fixing bugs (Most of the bugs are in the web
interface) and don't need the security as of yet.

You can leave the security jut the way it is but just add a function that will
auto run but allow control via the web interface.

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