Documentation, broken link

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Re: Documentation, broken link

Post by olzeke51 »

online help, Hardware Info - Schematics page
the ProPlus and SuperPro both refer to the same schematic -->
also at the bottom of the Schematics page is a link to abviewer -- but it includes a comma so the link reports a 404 error.
BTW - I am trying out a totally free DXF viewer by JetCam
here is an advertising link --> ::: they offer this html code for a link and an icon
<a href=""><img src=" ... d-icon.gif" width="160" height="80" alt="Free CAD Viewer" border="0"></a>
will post results shortly

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Re: Documentation, broken link

Post by basicchip »

The comma removed, as for the schematic, it is actually the same for both boards, they share the same PCB. It is really just stuffing options. The power supply differences are shown on the Pins page for SuperPRO/PROplus. The other differences are LPC1756/LPC1751 and the PROplus does not have the 32 KHz crystal or associated caps loaded.

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Re: Documentation, broken link

Post by olzeke51 »

My bad, the two sets of steering diodes threw me....(in the product pictures)
are there anymore DXF files to show the connector designations ???
well, that may be all that are needed - the SuperPro is labeled superpro5 - so I assumed it was for the earlier version board
JetCam install - not bad, for a viewer - very basic
had to do the c++ redistributables per their note::

You may require the Microsoft C++ redistributables in order for the JETCAM CAD Viewer to run. The latest versions are available from: ... tributable

msvcr100.dll came up missing on install to WinXP SP2
I d/l the 2005 version from the M/S site- went well on my WinXP SP2 machine

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Re: Documentation, broken link

Post by olzeke51 »

looking into the ARMWeb stuff while I'm evaluating the LPC1768 mbed-web version page has two items to update
one the 'values' section could probably be removed
twothe "help" function could refer to just the online help weblink now
I am checking other links , etc. -- but dinner is calling !!!!

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Re: Documentation, broken link

Post by olzeke51 »

in reviewing some of the ARMWeb info while evaluating the LPC1768 mbed-web software, I came across these:
one selecting "ARMweb Ethernet Services" from the main content page brings up several more links
the link for "Firmware update has references to the Yahoo group and some file downloads that are not
(apparently) available

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Re: Documentation, broken link

Post by olzeke51 »

on this web page I think that
DATA , READ, RESTORE should be updated
on this web page for doing Excel/CSV data
the Basic program is missing (at the bottom of the page)
this page at the writing to USBflash forwards you to this page and the reference to the VinculumVdrive2 does a 404 error.
Time and technology marches on - so this might be 'Noted for historical purposes" or some other update information
this is a dead link ; I got pointed to it from "Search" on 'Java'
it was labeled "Web BASIC" in the search results, and the dead link is down near the bottom of that page

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Re: Documentation, broken link

Post by olzeke51 »

online help - the 'index' at the bottom of the "Contents' tab
STOP has a missing link and brings up a search window and this is the result of that search
Your search for 'stop' did not produce any results.

Here are some suggestions to improve your search:

Select "Match ANY word"
Make sure you spelled the words correctly
Search 'stop' with Google
Search again:

Perlfect Search 3.31 (c) Perlfect Solutions 1998-2003
Latest search index update: 2012-09-28 18:14

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Re: Documentation, broken link

Post by basicchip »

Fixed, thanks, it was one of those that worked on a PC, but our server is linux and case sensitive.

Also dug through and re-indexed the search pages, I don't do it often enough to remember as most searches don't change that often, and the forum and help pages handle their own search.

And I updated the PDF BASIC help files.

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Re: Documentation, broken link

Post by basicchip »

Missed your Oct 9 post (I was out of the country)

But have fixed those now too, however those are pages from the old website we mostly retired back in 2012, so I'm wondering how you even got to them, as I don't believe there are any links to those anymore. Maybe through the search?

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Re: Documentation, broken link

Post by olzeke51 »

I've tried to discover how I got to them
best I can remember is it was a page of programming examples for C and Basic, [links to the C or Basic page]
then the Basic page had examples of several functions - mainly the ones I listed.
OKAY - here is a good lead
'Search your online help with the word 'armweb'
approx 31 items down is -- "Writing a simple Program via the web"
'follow that through several pages until you are at page titled "Step 5: More Complex Programming"
'near the bottom is a reference to Yahoo Forum [seems to be a dead end] AND " Coridium Website Programming pages." [ alink to the following page]
called this page []
and that was the source of my Oct 9 post -- there are several pages deep & loop-backs

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