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Switching to 115Kbaud

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 3:50 pm
by basicchip
Our first ARM product was a BASIC stamp like device using the same phantom RS-232 interface which was limited in speed to 19.2Kbaud. That was fine when memories and programs were small.

Now many of our devices support 256K of program, and downloads at 19.2 are a bit slow. So for 2015 we are switching over to a new firmware that supports 115Kbaud. We found we could run faster, but not all Windows drivers support faster speeds. While most people won't see a difference other than download speeds, on SuperPRO/PROplus that firmware also switches TIMER from one of the builtin timers to SysTick. The only difference is INTERRUPT(0) would turn off SysTick, and we recommend using WAIT_MICRO(less_than_65000) instead. Or you can enable SysTick by ST_CTRL OR= 2

We have been using a version of BASICtools that initially assumes 19.2Kb for backward compatibility, but will switch to 115Kb automatically if it sees certain characters following a reset. This seems to be working well. BASICtools remembers the last COM port number, control settings and baud rates. If you are switching between devices and need to go back to 19.2, you can always do that manually.

Firmware update can now be performed from BASICtools when you receive an update file from us. We will setup a purchase/download for those files in a few weeks. Purchase price is $5 for unlimited personal use devices.

We will also contact OEM customers to either help them move to a new firmware revision or continue shipping old firmware versions to them.