ARM stamp - LPC11U37 Pinout

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ARM stamp - LPC11U37 Pinout

Post by pbirkel »

Could someone please point me to the documentation specific to the new ARM stamp - LPC11U37?

Neither the pin-out nor the setup procedures seem to be covered in the ARMbasic.pdf, for example.

Yes, I'm a newbie. And I'm here to learn :->. Your guidance/assistance greatly appreciated.


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Re: ARM stamp - LPC11U37 Pinout

Post by basicchip »

Sorry, looks like I need to update the PDF version and I will for BASIC. C is still being written for LPC11U37

There is a link in the CHM/HTML help docs and a link from Help in BASICtools.

That link goes to here - ... 11u37.html

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Re: ARM stamp - LPC11U37 Pinout

Post by basicchip »

stamp.jpg (180.93 KiB) Viewed 22440 times

The numbers in red indicate NXP port/pin definition, which Port0.31-0 are 31-0 and port1.31-0 are 63-32
oc indicates the pin is open-drain or equivalent to open-collector
swdio and swc are SW debug pins. On reset they are SW pins, but when BASIC starts these are made to be IOs

The SP numbers in black are defined in the #include file STAMP_PINS.bas. They are also #include'd by LPC11U37.bas

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Re: ARM stamp - LPC11U37 Pinout

Post by basicchip »

SP numbers in green are special purpose pins, but can be used as IOs with restrictions -- see help files for more details.

AD numbers are AD converter inputs

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Re: ARM stamp - LPC11U37 Pinout

Post by basicchip »

I am translating the latest CHM/HTML file to PDF now.

Start installation by downloading and running the BASICtools installer

Connect the ARM BASIC Stamp, no driver installation required as it identifies as a Windows USB_SER device.

Then launch BASICtools, it will have links to help files, some examples.

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Re: ARM stamp - LPC11U37 Pinout

Post by basicchip »

PDF for BASIC has been updated.

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Re: ARM stamp - LPC11U37 Pinout

Post by pbirkel »

Thank you 'basicchip'. The PDF that is downloadable at doesn't seem to reflect the update that you made at ... -basic-pdf. Perhaps there's still some process that needs to run to make that happen? (Took me a while to realize that these are actually different files; the one that's easy-to-get is the obvious one to download ... but it's not the one that was updated!)

Is there a PCB schematic available? Something equivalent to "BASIC Stamp BS2-IC Module Schematic Rev. J"?

Is the pin diagram as seen from the top of the PCB? Although the PCB has a clear label on "1" it's not clear to me that on the LPC11U37 that SOUT is the corresponding "1", although I can infer that from the BS2 schematic. (Like I said, I'm a newbie so I'll undoubtedly ask questions that are naive -- but maybe they'll help to improve the documentation for folks whose entry-point is the LPC11U37 and never had the opportunity to work with the earlier Stamps :->.)

Regarding "Connect the ARM BASIC Stamp", will the stamp self-power from the USB for this preliminary exploration or do I need to get it "wired up" first? I'm guessing the latter. On the BS2 schematic it appears that there is an onboard regulator and thus VIN can be used to derive VDD. Is that also true for the LPC11U37 and both 5V and V3.3 can be derived from VIN? (What are three-pin D1 and U1?) What are the requirements regarding VIN (feeds D1) and its relationship to 5V and V3.3? Yes, a short tutorial regarding how to set up the LPC11U37 (think breadboard) would be very helpful ... at least to me.

Thank you,

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Re: ARM stamp - LPC11U37 Pinout

Post by basicchip »

All the file pointers point to the same file on the web and that has been updated. You might still have an old copy that you downloaded.

That help file also includes the schematic, that I will link to below.

All of our boards can be powered from the USB, and have diode steering so they can also be powered from the system they are plugged into. Speaking of USB, in the pin diagram above there is USB with a box around it, that is the USB connection for orientation.

Download and run setupBASIC and launch BASICtools, and it has all these links too. The schematic is at

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Re: ARM stamp - LPC11U37 Pinout

Post by basicchip »

The most up to date help files are always on the web in HTML format. This is searchable, has a table of contents and index.

We make small edits there all the time, for typos or syntax.

When there are more than a few pages changed we will update the CHM file installed with setupBASIC

And when there are enough changes we will convert that CHM to PDF, as it takes a few hours to do that.

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Re: ARM stamp - LPC11U37 Pinout

Post by basicchip »

I have been trying to get Blinky to flash an LED - failure, it is as if the port is not set to output,
not with IO(LED_PIN) = or output(LED_PIN) using

Code: Select all

#define LED_PIN	15
print X
IO(LED_PIN) = X and 1 ' IO() sets pin direction and state
print in(LED_PIN)
First on the LPC11U37 - ARM Stamp the LED is connected to Port 0 bit 1 as defined by NXP and schematic. If you use the #include "STAMP_PINS.bas" it is defined as SP18.

So either of these would work-

Code: Select all

#define LED_PIN  1
IO(LED_PIN) = 1   ' would turn it off

Code: Select all

#include "STAMP_PINS.bas"
#define LED_PIN  SP18
IO(LED_PIN) = 1   ' would turn it off
OUTPUT(pin) just changes the driver on the pin IO to be an output (state unknown)
IN(pin) reads the state of the pin high or low independent of it being an input or an output

We kept the PBASIC definitions of OUT(pin) to set the state of the pin, and INPUT(pin) to make the pin an input

But also added IO(pin) as a shortcut, such that IO(pin)=state sets that pin as an output and to that state.

x=IO(pin) changes the pin to an input and reads the state of the pin.

Also in BASIC upper/lower case does not matter so Output, OUTPUT and output are all the same.

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