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Post by olzeke51 »

edit 3/3/2018 hold off - maybe a bug!! in the code
Remember - this is not a Coridium product - so all support is from us or the Internet!!
the LPC824.hex is Coridium's work - though - pls recognize their copyright/IPC
editited 3/3 - deleted the process that doesn't appear to work
see Basicchip's post

(456.14 KiB) Downloaded 1114 times
pdf courtesy of the Internet - schematic
Last edited by olzeke51 on Sat Mar 03, 2018 10:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: LPC800-DIP

Post by basicchip »

For now I am installing firmware on the LPC800-DIPs before shipping.

If there is sufficient interest I will add that to the digital payments on the website.

I have taken a bunch of screen shots for the firmware install on LPC800, and will change BASICtools to prompt for button pushes.

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LPC800-DIP: pin info

Post by olzeke51 »

some gotcha(s)

observations from looking at schematics, pinouts of the 8051(dip) and the 800-DIP'
and notes from the product data sheet -LPC82X

ALL BUT 1 PIN appear to be 5v tolerant per the notes [in digital mode assignments]
default is INPUT with PU on most pins
a) 800DIP PIO0_6 [800/8051 pin 7-(port1.6)] is 3.3V ONLY - possibly an output??

b) the 8051 xtal pins 18 & 19 need to be isolated from the 800-DIP
??cut off the 800DIP pins??

c) duplicate pins !!
800/8051 pin 6,9 RESET has 10k pullup & switch to GND
800/8051 pin 5,11 [824 PIO0_4 TXD/ USB]
800/8051 pin 18,27 [XTAL & A14]
800/8051 pin 19,28 [XTAL & A15]
800/8051 pin 12,32 [8051 INT0* & AD7]
**edit 800/8051 pin 1,10 [10 is RXD for both, but pin 1 is..]

d) 800/8051 pins 25,26 no pullups, will float as these are open-drain always
used as Address lines - will need pullups!!

e) 800/8051 pins 21,39,38 (A8,AD0,AD1 -8051-speak) have LEDs

f) 800/8051 pin 24 (A11 -8051-speak) has 10K pullup & switch to GND
[ISP mode switch for the 824 chip]

g) 800/8051 pin 3 has a 10K pullup

h) 800/8051 pin 4 has a 10K PULLDOWN

j) 800/8051 pins 29,30 will need to be jumpered to ....???
used for addressing external memory/devices in the 8051 circuitry

k) 800/8051 pin 31 - should not be a concern - this tells the 8051 to use
external memory - program and data

Code: Select all

* * * *   SO, WE ARE LEFT WITH:
m) 800/8051 pins 2,3,4,8, and possibly 7
	two will need to be assigned to the PSEN & ALE if this 800-DIP is being
	put into an existing 8051 circuit;
	WATCH out for existing connections to these pins !!!
Last edited by olzeke51 on Mon Nov 12, 2018 7:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: LPC800-DIP

Post by TodWulff »

As info, I ripped out of NXP expresso stuff, the lib files for the 824.

It is unaltered/unfettered - I just extracted it from a much larger set of device libs, given NXP presumably hasn't done so overtly.

I offer it herein as this might be useful to others who may choose to pursue ARMbasic development on this device.

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Re: LPC800-DIP

Post by olzeke51 »

starting an LPC800-dip project for reuse of some 8051 boards. -- more when I get further down the road.
here are some further updates for using the 800-DIP::::
need to load the latest SiLabs CP210x VCP driver
https://www.silabs.com/products/develop ... cp-drivers
USB chip will provide some VDD(3.3v) to the DIP800 --
!!WATCH OUT - as pin 40 also mates to any PCB you might be using.
!!AND cannot do 5v or much current -- MAX is 100ma !! @3.3v
./Coridium/BASIClib/CORIDIUM_PCB.bas needs to be modified to include
the LPC824 [at about line 16]
./Coridium/BASIClib/HWPWM8.bas needs to be modified to include
the LPC824 [at about line 13] &&& the 'main' needs to be temporarily
commented out so your Main: won't indicate "Error: duplicate name"

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Re: LPC800-DIP

Post by olzeke51 »

OOPs -- pin 1 and 10 are also duplicated on the 800DIP
this is the RXD info to the USB (or serial)
will edit my original post on pin usage also

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Re: LPC800-DIP

Post by basicchip »

question from the help line
> I am looking to use the analog to digital pins on my LPC800 board but cant seem to decipher the pin layout from the information sheet given on your website. I am fairly confident in the location of 3.3v and ground pin locations. However I have had trouble locating the A/D pins available. Could you tell me which pins I can use for A/D?

Take a look at the schematic at the start of this thread (avoiding multiple copies here)

P0_17 is ADC9
P0_18 is ADC8
P0_22 is ADC4

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Re: LPC800-DIP

Post by olzeke51 »

Hey Y'all
here is a skeletal/template for using the 800-dip in an 8051 socket
don't forget to pay attention to the earlier pin information
especially that one pin that tolerates only 3.3v input !!!
(6.02 KiB) Downloaded 885 times
'Edit jan 21 - the routines will allow you to read/write to memory/rom/devices
if you know their addresses. I created _peek & a _poke

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Re: LPC800-DIP

Post by olzeke51 »

doing another 800DIP project and need a fast picture of pins; here it is
DIP_socket_useable.jpg (116.03 KiB) Viewed 22019 times

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Re: LPC800-DIP - RXD/TXD(1)

Post by olzeke51 »

Investigated the usage of the alternate serial port(1)"
RXD(1) is assigned to pin P0.09
TXD(1) is assigned to pin P0.08
Have a good day

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