This code should be easy to port.
Do the code internal to the function first.
The function declaration syntax in ARMbasic is a little different with
definitions AS STRING
Details in the help files, take it a line at a time.
--- In, "ross.kingii" wrote:
> I am trying to calculate the 1 Wire CRC value on a device and all the samples
of code on the web just dont fit into the flavor of basic on the Armweb.
> Does anyone have some code to calculate this already built or can you help me
convert the code below from code written for the BASICX line
> Thanks
> Code >>
> Function Calc_CRC(ByRef buff() as byte, ByVal num_vals as Integer) as byte
> Dim Shift_Reg as Byte, SR_lsb as Byte, Data_Bit as Byte, v as Byte
> Dim FB_bit as Byte, i as Integer, j as Integer
> Shift_Reg = 0 ' initialize the shift regsiter
> For i = 1 to num_vals ' for each byte in the array
> v = buff(i)
> For j = 1 to 8 ' for each bit
> Data_Bit = v AND &H01 ' isolate least sign bit
> SR_lsb = Shift_Reg AND &H01
> FB_bit = (Data_Bit XOR SR_lsb) AND &H01
> ' calculate the feed back bit
> Shift_Reg = Shift_Reg \ 2 ' shift right
> If (FB_bit = 1) then
> Shift_Reg = Shift_Reg XOR &H8c
> End if
> 'Call PutB(Shift_Reg) ' for debugging
> 'Call NewLine()
> v = v \ 2 ' next bit now in least sig bit position
> Next
> ' Call PutB(Shift_Reg)
> ' Call NewLine()
> Next
> Calc_CRC = Shift_Reg ' return the result
> End Function