The samples are pretty similar. Coridium's LPC8xx.bas library was missing a #def for the MRT GFlag register (which used to clear the MRT Interrupt(s)), and had an error therein too, so that is why the #defs exists only in the 824 sample. Other register names on each device differ, but it does work.
824 Code
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#include "LPC8xx.bas" ' needed for the header #defs
#define MRT_IRQ_GFLAG *0x400040F8 'mia from LPC8xx lib
#define MRT_Channel0_TIMER *&H40004004 'fix an error in LPC8xx lib
dim MRT_INT_Flag,MRT_INT_Time as integer ' this is a MRT user flag
interrupt sub _MRT_INT_ISR ' this isr only sets a flag, clears the interrupt and exits - a handler will perform outside of an interrupt context
MRT_INT_Flag = MRT_IRQ_GFLAG ' assert the user flag during the ISR, saving the GFLAG0-4
MRT_IRQ_GFLAG = MRT_IRQ_GFLAG ' clear the MRT interrupt
MRT_INT_Time = timer
sub _MRT_INT_Handler ' this is the handler to do more stuff at time of interrupt, outside the isr
print "Interrupt ";MRT_INT_Flag;" Fired @ "; MRT_INT_Time
'do stuff here
MRT_INT_Flag = 0 ' clear the user flag
print "Started @ Timer:", timer
call _MRT_InitGlobals
MRT_INT_Flag = 0 ' deassert the MRT user flag
'set up the MRT timer here
SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL or= (1<<10) ' set the MRT bit to enable the clock to the register interface.
SYSCON_PRESETCTRL or= (1<<7) ' Clear reset to the MRT.
MRT_Channel0_INTVAL = 0x81C9C380 ' immediately load the MRT IntVal
'824 = 100hz = 0x493E0 250Hz=0x1D4C0 500Hz=0xEA60 1000Hz=0x7530
'max is 0x7FFFFFFF which is 71.6 Seconds - you can set b31 too, to force immediate load, per UM.
'use 0x81C9C380 for an immediate load of a 1HZ repeating interrupt.
MRT_Channel0_CTRL = 0x00000001 ' enable TIMERn Interrupt in repeat interrupt mode
' default MRT int priority is fine - so noeffwidit
' set up the MRT Interrupt here
MRT_ISR = (addressof _MRT_INT_ISR) or 1 ' assign the isr sub addy to the NVIC vector table for MRT_irq (the 'or 1' is for thumb code purposes)
VICIntEnable or= (1<<10) ' enable the MRT interrupt
if MRT_INT_Flag then _MRT_INT_Handler
' print MRT_Channel0_TIMER
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#define CORE_M4 ' needed for this dual core device, & given we're working with the NVIC on the M4
#include "LPC54102.bas" ' needed for the header #defs
dim MRT_INT_Flag,MRT_INT_Time as integer ' this is a MRT user flag
interrupt sub _MRT_INT_ISR ' this isr only sets a flag, clears the interrupt and exits - a handler will perform outside of an interrupt context
MRT_INT_Flag = MRT_IRQ_FLAG ' assert the user flag during the ISR, saving the GFLAG0-4
MRT_IRQ_FLAG = MRT_IRQ_FLAG ' clear the MRT interrupt
MRT_INT_Time = timer
sub _MRT_INT_Handler ' this is the handler to do more stuff at time of interrupt, outside the isr
print "Interrupt ";MRT_INT_Flag;" Fired @ "; MRT_INT_Time
'do stuff here
MRT_INT_Flag = 0 ' clear the user flag
print "Started @ Timer:", timer
call _MRT_InitGlobals
MRT_INT_Flag = 0 ' deassert the MRT user flag
'set up the MRT timer here
SCB_AHBCLKCTRL(1) or= SYSCON_CLOCK_MRT ' set the MRT bit to enable the clock to the register interface.
SCB_PRESETCTRL(1) and= 0xFFFFFFFE ' Clear reset to the MRT.
MRT_INTVAL(0) = 0x800EA600 ' immediately load the MRT IntVal
'100hz = 0x800EA600 250Hz=0x8005DC00 500Hz=0x8002EE00 1000Hz=0x80017700 - set b31 too, to force immediate load, per UM.
'max is 0x80FFFFFF which is ~175mS - I don't get why the time range is so different from the 824 design
'but it is what it is - per the UM: 24-bit interrupt timer clocked from CPU clock
'you can set b31 too, to force immediate load, per UM, as I have done above
MRT_CTRL(0) = 0x00000001 ' enable TIMERn Interrupt in repeat interrupt mode
' default MRT int priority is fine - so noeffwidit
' set up the MRT Interrupt here
MRT_IRQn = (addressof _MRT_INT_ISR) or 1 ' assign the isr sub addy to the NVIC vector table for MRT_irq (the 'or 1' is for thumb code purposes)
VICIntEnable0 or= (1<<10) ' enable the MRT interrupt
if MRT_INT_Flag then _MRT_INT_Handler
' print MRT_TIMER(0)